
Shaihai Kingsen Law Firm

The company has a complete and scientific quality management system. In the spirit of "daring to innovate and seeking progress steadily", it boldly introduces advanced production equipment, strengthens production management and strictly controls quality. With its stable product quality, fast delivery and price advantages, it stands out in the fierce competitive market and develops steadily.


1000 professional


Has been established for 20 years


80 branches nationwide


Served 1.2 million customers

Professional dedicated to medium and high-end users

The company has a complete and scientific quality management system. Our integrity, strength and product quality are widely recognized in the industry. In the spirit of "daring to innovate and seeking progress steadily", the company boldly introduces advanced automatic production equipment, strengthens production management and strictly controls quality. After comprehensive transformation, the company stands out and develops steadily in the fierce competitive market with its stable product quality, fast delivery and price advantages.


Address:12F NO.425,Yishan Road,XuHui Zone, ShangHai.


E-mail: ks@kingsn.com